
how to delete bumble account

This 'how to delete bumble account' comes into question either when you found your 'one' or the other way around. Personally, for me, it's the other way around almost all the time. Well, you will be able to read more self-deprecating introductions on more articles if you keep reading us on but this one is not about me. It's about how to deactivate and delete a bumble account. Deleting Dating apps might help you with self-discovery or even Digital detox.

In the case of bumble, we have two options to delete the bumble account, one is permanent and the other being the temporary one. You can either delete your bumble account permanently or make sure your profile doesn't get discovered by using the Snooze feature within Bumble. Let's see how you can do both of these.

Permanently Delete Your Bumble Account :

Before we go further, here is a sweet disclaimer for you:

Deleting Bumble will Remove all your data, your pictures, and your bio which you probably stole from some Shakespearean textbook and you will never be able to recover anything ever again. So make sure that you take screenshots or back up all the text by copying them to a doc file. Just in case, you need them later to print those conversations on a blanket and giving it to your significant other on some anniversary as a token of your love. Weird much or being cute; but who we are to judge. *wink*

Let's bid adieu to our sweet bumble account now:

1. Open the Bumble app (obviously) and as soon as you open the app you will see photos of the girls or guys waiting to be right-swiped and never swipe back. Ignore them, they are just here to distract you and we no longer need that kind of distraction in our life.

bumble main screen how to delete bumble account

2. Now tap on the user icon on the bottom left side of the screen. As soon as you do that you will be taken to your page with your photo. I have blurred mine because of privacy, kindly don't follow me on Instagram.

bumble profile screen how to delete bumble account

3. Now Tap on the gear icon on the top left of the profile screen which will take you to the settings menu. On the settings screen, you will see a "Delete" button.

click on delete on settings screen how to delete bumble account

4. Tap on delete and now you will see a prompt which will say "Delete Account? This action cannot be undone." To confirm this you have to type the word delete in the text box below the prompt.

type delete and account will be deleted

5. Type delete and hit confirm. Once you do this, your bumble account will be deleted successfully and now you won't be able to use bumble ever. You will have to make an account again to use bumble once again after breaking up, but we hope you never have to.

If you want a temporary solution to quit bumble for a while then consider snoozing your account.

How to Snooze your Bumble Account

Introduced first in 2018, the snooze feature lets you take a break from your usual swiping shenanigans resulting in compulsive swiping behavior which is not cool for a healthy life. If you wish to digitally detox then this might be a good option for you to consider.

To snooze your Bumble profile we have to do a similar drill like we did while deactivating the bumble account.

1. On your home screen tap on the bottom left icon to reveal the user page.

bumble profile screen how to delete bumble account

2. Once in, Now tap on the Gear icon on the top left to enter settings.

bumble settings page

3. On the settings page, you will see an option of Snooze, tap on that and now you will see 4 more options: 24 Hours, 72 Hours, A week, and Indefinitely. This is basically the time frame for how long you want your Bumble account to be snoozed.

choose your time frame how to delete bumble account

4. Tap on any of them and bumble will ask you why are you leaving it for; traveling? Work? Detox or just self priority?

choose your display message how to delete bumble account

5. If you chose any of them, Bumble will set the status on your profile and your existing matches will be able to see that. If you don't wish to tell your reason then choose "No Thanks".

Once You do this you will be able to Snooze your bumble account properly and it will go offline whenever you open the app. Your profile won't show to people around you on the Bumble platform from now on till the date you have snoozed. To go back online, just cancel the snooze from the main screen or the settings and things will again come back as before.

How to Snooze, Deactivate or Delete Bumble account? : FAQs

Will I cancel a bumble boost as well as bumble if I delete my Bumble account?

Yes, Cancelling Bumble will Delete the Bumble boost as well. If you have bought Bumble boost for a year and want to delete or deactivate the Bumble account then I would suggest you wait and snooze your account for some days first so that you get to know your behavior patterns in a much better way and then make a choice.

How to know if someone deleted their bumble account?

When Someone deletes their bumble account, You will be able to see the user as a Deleted member on the top where their name label usually flashes.

How to know if someone Blocked you on Bumble?

If someone blocked you on bumble then the same thing happens as well, you will start seeing their name as Deleted Member and you won't be able to see their display picture at all once you are blocked.

What does Deleted Member Mean on Bumble?

Whenever you are talking to someone and you start seeing deleted members on the bottom of their name tag then it definitely means that they have either blocked you or deleted their account permanently. If they snooze their account or unmatch you then you will not see such notification explicitly.

How do I cancel Bumble Boost on Android and iOS?


To cancel Bumble Boost on android, you will have to use the subscription manager inside the play store.

  1. Open Google Play Store app on your android.
  2. tap on the hamburger menu on and navigate to "Account and Subscriptions".
  3. There you will be able to see all the subscriptions you have. Tap on Bumble subscription.
  4. Tap on "Cancel" and confirm the cancellation.


  1. Open the iTunes App Store.
  2. Tap on a valid Apple ID from the top.
  3. Tap on "View Apple ID".
  4. Now tap on subscriptions.
  5. Select "Bumble".
  6. Tap on "Cancel Subscription", and your subscription will be canceled.

How to Snooze, Deactivate or Delete Bumble account? : Closing Words

So in this article, I showed you how to snooze or delete your bumble account easily and safely, I personally feel that before deleting the bumble account, one should snooze their profile and go for a digital detox and then only delete because if you delete the account once, it will never come back in the same shape and form and if you want to create another one then you will have to waste a couple of minutes from your life again doing the same thing which can be unproductive.

I hope you liked our take on how you can delete your bumble account properly. Do comment if you have any feedback for our work. Thanks for reading.

how to delete bumble account


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