
how to fix a herniated disc

For every 2 men, there is one woman diagnosed with a herniated disc

It's because of this statistic that I have brought this page to your attention, and I want to show you how you can heal a herniated disc naturally without the harmful drugs, and repetitive conservative treatments that just lead to a short term fix.

If you've been diagnosed with a herniated disc, then you are all too familiar with the norm:

  1. You move less
  2. Your search for everything
  3. You've probably tried everything(or at least you think)
  4. You feel like surgery is the only option at this point

You'll be caught by surprise in my article, and you'll figure out how to lessen your pain and at the end of it, I'll show you the BEST treatment for your herniated disc that you would have never thought about!

And I didn't forget about everyone who is not used to it, you'll greatly benefit, and if your pain hasn't pinched your nerves severely, you'll see what I've done.

I serve to help you and everyone in the lower back community, whether you've been in continuous pain, or starting out, you are not short of stellar options. I'll start by asking you this one hassle-free question…

Does this sounds like you?

"I'm exhausted, I have tried everything!" All from:

  • steroid epidural injections
  • massages
  • exercises
  • tens machines
  • cushions
  • inversion tables
  • foam rollers

…and as you keep digging the bottom of the hole, you don't strike gold, rather a huge rock.

Are you this deep in? There is a non-short of options as you can see from the list, but one greater reason you're here is to treat the root of the cause, and not just shoot for temporary relief…I hope.

Get ready, I'm about to show you what you don't know. Catch this:

90% of people all around the world will treat their herniated disc and heal without surgery required

That's an alarming number, in the most positive way imaginable. Feeling shocked?

I was too!

So the fact that your herniated disc can heal all by itself should trigger a HUGE relief in your brain.

Head on into your doctor's office with this knowledge, and patiently wait to hear his or her recommendations.

You'll likely be recommended and presented with:

  • physical therapy
  • pain medications
  • stretches
  • weight loss
  • aerobic- low impact
  • water therapy
  • injections
  • lifestyle changes

I can lay my hand over your shoulder and share mysympathywith you – A herniated disc most certainly puts "a halt on your groove."

A herniated disc is like hitting a 2 for 1 on a bad day…

It's frustrating enough that your spinephysically hurts, but even worse is that the pain makes its way up to your mind, and alters your behavior.

Talk about mind control!

mind control

Forget all the psychologist, and hypnotist, this really puts those to shame.

It'sChronicallydespicable, andthat's, to say the least, but with all that starts on the wrong foot must come to an end though.

Don't panic because you are in for some fresh quality air.

Take a breathe, relax, and take the next part of your reading as a religion. Luckily, you touched basis with the right place at the right time. Why?

I want to help you badly, it's my passion to do so. There are so many alternative and conservative methods, and with increasing technology, there are more growing in the unlikeliest places…

Is It Age, A Triple Effect, Or A Larger Injury?

The number one question I get asked is :

  1. " How did I get my herniated disc? "

Your herniated disc or "slipped disc" rather as its know,doesn't happen by the element of surprise. A disc that slips occurs when your outer ring becomes weaker and again weaker or torn out of place and alignment over time. It's at this point the inner portion slips out, and will likely lead to pinching your nerve roots on the back end of your spine.

Ripple effect #1: A Degenerative Disc can turn into a herniated disc. When the outer ring of your disc begins to tear, the ring releases the watery fluid in your disc, and it ends up pushing the disc closer to the nerve roots on the back of your spine.

Whether you get it in a day, a week, months or even years is dependent on the choices and lifestyle decisions you make. For example:

Ex: If you're bending over, twisting, hunching over more frequently than someone who is doing less, and actually implementing all the strategies of better exercise, healthier eating, weight management, mind control, will more likely keep a herniated disc away.

Factor In Your Age

The older you get, the more likely a herniated disc is to be present.

Mother Nature's processes take its course, and you can't do a thing about it. Your disc will not be able to retain the water inside it's gelly like structure, and as I stated a second ago, it lets your waterprotrude out the outer layer.

Related: Proteolytic Enzymes For Joint Pain

A message to my many men and women is this: Men are more prone to struggle with a herniated disc, but women don't fall too behind.

In the next section get ready, because you're about to learn how to heal the right way.

Heal The Way You're Supposed To

It's said that most chronic conditions happen in the age group of 20 and less, and 50 and over, but why should we follow numbers? that's only a statistic.

I know far more people in between the age group with herniated disc issues who have a constant struggle to accept a lifestyle change because they believe they're out of solutions. Or are they?

I told my best friends brother in law once, No you are not! There's life after a herniated disc.

The most important lesson in my experience I've learned is that whether you're:

  • young
  • old
  • can barely walk
  • having weight problems
  • eating bad
  • have multiple diagnoses
  • struggle mentally
  • consume painkillers

…you will absolutely recover. It's all about how you choose to funnel…

The process just has to be nurtured differently to cater to your needs. You are different than someone else with your condition. The reason I say this is because others are farther along in the process, and others are just starting out with their herniated disc.

and if you were like me, who has had sciatic nerve pain, and a herniated disc at the same time, you'll get a kick out of this too…

So without further ado let's take a look at all your options now.

10 Best and Most Natural Ways To Heal Your Herniated Disc

Tweet: Use these 10 Best and Most Natural Ways To Heal Your Herniated #herniateddisc #backpain #inflammation #remedies #naturalhealth #healthandwellness #healthyfirst #healthandsafety #chronicpain #exercise

1. Over The CounterMedicines– OTC

This way will have todo if you have mild to moderate pain. You'll beprescribed medicines like:

  • Advil
  • Ibuprofen
  • Naproxen

My 2 cents: I've tried all but there's one thing I can't stand -I hate the side effects. If you haven't tried them yet, its worth being on, its fine to take them, but if you cando without them moving forward and follow the remove back pain system , you'll be likely to remove these drugs completely or use them less than you ever have.

2.Muscle Relaxers

You might have already taken Over the countermedicine, and if you have its most likely you'll take a muscle relaxer to go along. This is usually the beginning measure.

Muscle spasms happen abruptly and not sadly – they need to go,. And these relaxers can be just the spark you need.

Caution:Don't take painmedicationsand muscle relaxers at the same time, you don't want pain overload. If you take them, have one an hour or two after your pain killers.

  • Baclofen
  • Cyclobenzaprine
  • Tizanidine
  • Carisoprodol

There's nothing like a delicious soup in this next one…

3.Bone Broth And Collagen Diet

bone broth for herniated disc is a savior – Saying bone broth and collagen has given my health back is kind of an understatement. Have a look at the one I made here:

Whatdo these two elements have? Nutrients. Your natural supply that enters your bloodstream and rushes down your lower backs spine to heal your pain.

What it does:

  • repair tissue
  • repair damaged disc

How todo:

  • collagen is found in a powder of bone broth
  • in liquid form as well

It's an absolute necessity to have. Drinking A Bone broth soup is and always will be t the #1 Dietary thing you can do for your back, and diet in general. It s the #1 diet you can have for a herniated disc. You can purchase it online, or your local grocery store. Have it every day, 1-3 times in a day.

How to make bone broth at home:

Other than being able to order bone broth online or go in-store to find it, you can bring your own ingredients to the mix, and get them boiling right away at home. I'm all for healing your bad back at home and being independent, so this will do you a lot of good!

STEP 1: Get a huge crockpot so you have enough soup to consume on a daily basis, for a whole week would be great.

STEP 2: Combine foods like:

  • Celery
  • onions
  • chicken
  • carrots
  • chicken bone broth
  • organic chicken bone broth

This will help heal your neck or back herniated disc rapidly, and lessen any pain and inflammation you are having.

Here's how I would organize using powders with a bone broth in a day:

  1. Morning: For breakfast go for a smoothie with collagen protein powder made from a bone broth powder or your favorite protein powder made from high antioxidant foods like blueberries, coconut milk, and maybe a mix of herbs like ginger.
  2. Afternoon/Evening: Eat a soup or stew bone broth

4.Go With Supplements.

Irecommend you get Omega 3 oil in your body. It's a greatanti-inflammatory, and it's what I will use 99.99% of the time in the mornings before work. Here are a couple of other options to look into:

  • MSM. One of my favorites as well, and comes in a cream option.
  • Glucosomine and Chondotrin

Related: Best Proteolytic Enzyme supplement for inflammation and a herniated disc

If you'd also like to find out the best healing foods and what you can and can not eat, make sure to check out our in-depth article below.

 ==>Come learn more about supplements like Omega 3 and its healing power here<==

Have you discovered the best way to strengthen and make your back flexible again? Does the word "Yoga" ring a bell?

5.Exercise With Yoga

A herniated disc is a bee you swat away, and soon as it goes away, more come back in aherd. The best treatment I've found to date is an exercise with yoga. YOGA? yes. I was in the same position as this type of thinking, but I got over it and implemented it quickly.

Your back needs:

  • strengthening
  • flexibility
  • a break

Related: Best Lower Back Pain and Sciatica Stretches

Yoga willensure you get the best of all 3 and in a matter of a week. You get help with breathing and meditation techniques. These two factors are important for your mind and body. Plus, if you needed an extended amount of stretches and exercises, over at the Healthy Back Institue, you can see the 6 best exercises for a herniated disc.

And to learn more about yoga…

==>Click here to learn more about yoga, and the #1 style for chronic back pain<==

Spinal manipulation will help you for a short amount of time. Need instant relief?…

6. Visit A Chiropractor

We've allprobablyheard of thechirop ractor being thrown around by friends and family, but have you, yourself gone to one? By natural methods, you'll get your spine in proper alignment so that in time it will heal by itself properly.

If you've had chronic pain lasting for atleast over a month give it a try right away. The early in the process the better your chance of it getting better gets.

Think deep tissue wit this next one.

7.Get A Massage

Simply, the best for shortterm relief.It's my go-to for the "moment in time". A great massage can give you the besttherapeutic benefits you were asking for.

How it helps:

  • releases muscle tension
  • helps your tissues
  • soreness goes away
  • easy on your joints

It's time to feel the pressure points…

8. Time For Acupuncture

Now, I talked to my doctors, andphysical therapists a few years back aboutacupuncture, and they said theresults vary. It does ease your pain a little but itdoesn't work the same for everyone. I've steered away from it. It just was not for me, and I did fine without it.

9. Re-Think Your Posture

You weretaught from when you were young to stand up nice and straight, or if you're in the military, youdefinitely understand affirmative action -Attend Hut! But if you're not of a "military affiliation" don't you worry because the conditions apply the same.

Posture will help prevent and help fight off a herniated disc. Did you know that posture is one of the biggest causes for lower back pain? Our posture is everything to healing.

You could exercise properly but forget about posture and be back in the rut you were in. Or your poor posture can cause weaker muscles, and now you can't exercise. But how can you fix it?

Stand up straight, and keep all your body in alignment.

==>Go here to see what your posture is telling you<==

Take a look at your surroundings…

10. Go For Ergonomics

Ergonomics is just a fancy word for "yourefficiency in your working environment." You know you have a sound place to work in if you have these things:

  • A desktop at your level. Is your desktop a little below you? If it is, then good.
  • A keyboard and mouse. A good keyboard and mouse will keep your hands and arms at a good angle.
  • The right chair. A good chair supports your whole back and keeps your posture up.
  • Lumbar support. Is your back being supported by the right chair or backrest?
  • Natural movement. You should be able to move around in your chair, stand up, and have enough room for various positions

If you'd like to see how I would build an ergonomic workspace at work, I have a great article that will help you see that here.

11. Ancient Book Of Remedies

If you want the ultimate list of herbal remedies you can make from scratch, have ready for every emergency that comes, then you'll want to take a deep look into the #1 book of herbs called "The Lost Book Of Remedies".

This powerful ancient book made by a professional healer with years of suffering in pain themselves made this gem so instead of trying out one herb here and there, you'll be better prepared to use every single one of them without running out of a supply.

This book has saved me time, money, made me more money because my health increased and so did my productivity, avoided the effort of having to go at things alone, and I didn't have to worry about the mental and physical pains of back pain or any other condition ever again.

Click here to learn more about this powerful book here.

Tweet: Use these 10 Best and Most Natural Ways To Heal Your Herniated #herniateddisc #backpain #inflammation #remedies #naturalhealth #healthandwellness #healthyfirst #healthandsafety #chronicpain #exercise

12. Fix Your Muscle Imbalances

I saved the best for last(I'll also expand on this in a later section below), and that's fixing your muscle imbalances which means you have weak and strong muscles in different muscle groups like your hamstrings, glutes, hips, etc. And these are all contributing to the reason you have back pain and why you can't completely heal your Herniated disc…

This means you'll keep staying in pain, you will keep crawling back to pain meds, blame everyone and yourself, and you'll never find a long-lasting change.

Or part of your body's muscles that are stronger has to compensate for your weaker ones, which will eventually injure you. I made a full article with a video that shows you how to fix these muscle imbalances here, but if you'd like to see my #1 recommendation program, go here.

All Paths Lead To Weight Loss

I didn't leave out weight loss, I was getting there which brings me to this next point.

At first, it'll be tough to lose weight because you have a Herniated disc you're trying to heal and you don't want to re-injure yourself or cause further damage, so here's what to do…

Focus on getting better with the 12+ treatments from up above, and in the process of exercising with the combination of herbal remedies and more, you will slowly begin to lose weight without it affecting you, and then thereafter, you can look at controlling your weight which you can learn more about the best weight loss diets here.

Time For The Future You've Been Expecting

The #1 question I get all the time is always this:

What can you expect from recovery time?

Healing a herniated disc can take up to 6 weeks to heal on its own. If my story can serve you any motivation, it took me 4 and a half weeks. But the follow-up question is what you need more paying attention to.

Why is it less or more for others?

My absolute answer to that is to do all the steps needed to relieve your pain, and when you're not working, you should be:

  • stretching
  • working on your posture
  • staying calm and collective mindfully
  • eating healing foods
  • staying on a straight natural treatment path

Related: Best Natural Treatment Fix For A Herniated Disc

It's hard to exactly pinpoint how long you will heal because it depends on how your herniated disc looks. Consult with your doctor and physician for more help.

You Can Treat A Herniated Disc With Constant Progress

Like Frank Zappa once said:

"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible."

Every day you take to make an effort to heal your herniated disc is another day you increased your recovery time and a push away from surgery. Here's a shorty story.

When my friend revealed to he had a degenerative disc in his L3-L5, and a Herniated disc in the L4 along with osteoarthritis, I didn't just ignore it. What I did immediately changed his perception of pain for the rest of his life.

He followed my effective remove back pain system, and as a result, he really put the time in. His results were not shocking. He didn't only learn to get rid of his herniated disc naturally, he was able to have no more nerve pain!

There are incredibleamounts of treatments in your armory. Don't be afraid to start at point A and head through the journey past point B.

Develop a routine. See what treatments get you the most satisfaction day by day. When you continue with the same exercise, massage, work stationhabits, etc, you'll understand your lower back much better, and you'lltherefore become moreefficient.

The Way That I Fixed My Herniated Disc Long Term

All these 10 ways I showed you how to heal your herniated disc naturally will work, but it's better to know how you can do it on a day-to-day basis.

I know how easy it is to read information, but nobody ever taught me or maybe even taught you how to heal on a daily basis and from home without constantly visiting your medical professional. I've figured out just how though!

Along the journey, I wrote about a 45-page book on the 5 steps and 3 secrets to managing your bad back day-to-day, 24/7 Monday-Sunday, Morning -Night – that's now on Amazon as an up and coming best seller. Now, why am I telling you this?

For a limited time, I still have it open for people to grab for FREE. I'd like for you to heal without trying to figure out how to follow the plan day-to-day. If you'd like to have my free book, then click below:

>>5 Steps and 3 Secrets To Managing Back Pain Daily

This guide plus the best treatment option I'm about to show you below is what you will need long term….

Best Treatment Option For Herniated Discs

While these treatment tips, exercises, and steps will all relieve herniated disc pain for you, if you want to prevent it from recurring you MUST address the #1 leading cause to all back pain – Muscle Imbalances

In short, a muscle imbalance occurs when you have a set of muscles that are much stronger on one side then the opposing which are weaker and unused. This imbalance pulls your skeletal system out of alignment, which will lead you to painful postural dysfunctions…

Muscle Balance Therapy Is What you'll need, where instead of getting a set of general exercises and stretches, with muscle balance therapy you'll get:

  • Special exercises to strengthen your underworked weak muscles
  • and targeted stretches to loosen up your tight and overworked muscles.

So by improving your weak muscle imbalances with the right provided stretches and exercises, your herniated disc will Naturally resolve itself and decrease the pressure from your bad posture right now, plus, prevent future herniated discs.

I've got an article for you about how people are fixing their muscle imbalances faster and are living a life of pain-free back pain – if you want to discover the secrets to fixing your muscle imbalance faster and easily, get more information here right now

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"The concept of total wellness recognizes that our every thought, word, and behavior affects our greater health and well-being. And we, in turn, are affected not only emotionally but also physically and spiritually."

The Remove Back Pain System

This next segment will take your healing process to the next level! You've seen the exercises, stretches, and conditions, and now it is time to show you some of the cream of the top-your POSTURE. Without proper posture, you can have weak muscle imbalances, continuous back flare ups, and constant hunching and slouching.

Continue my Remove Back Pain System with getting your self straightened out with better posture here.

Recommended posts:

  • 10+ foods that stop your inflammation faster and effectively
  • 5+ best herbal remedies for a herniated disc

how to fix a herniated disc


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